Many of our competitors follow a one-size-fits-all approach to radon mitigation. These types are referred to as "poke and hope" mitigators because they poke a hole in your slab and install a pipe and a fan and hope it reduces radon levels. If they are in-and-out of your house in a couple of hours, that is likely a one-size-fits-all job.
That is not how you do it right.
There are variables with every house. If these are not diagnostically identified and addressed, there is no assurance that the system is doing what you assume it is doing. This is solved with good diagnostics.
As part of our mitigation process, we determine the initial sub-slab air pressure and radon level at 3-4 locations (depending upon house size).
We then apply vacuum beneath your slab, and measure each test point to ensure negative pressure at every location. We are able to design a system to ensure effective vacuum everywhere.
After installation, we take a final pressure and radon measurement at each location. This way you will know with 100% certainty that your system is really treating your whole house. That is how you do it right.
Radon Resolved offers the best radon reduction guarantee in the state. Because we make sure that 100% of your house is being treated, we guarantee that the average radon level will be 1.9 pCi/L or less.